Social Project

At Machupicchu Travel Tour, we believe that traveling is a powerful tool for social and environmental change. Our social projects are designed to support the communities we visit, preserve our rich cultural heritage, and protect the unique natural environments of our country.

Our Commitments

1. Support for Local Communities

We work hand in hand with local communities to ensure that tourism benefits everyone. This includes creating jobs, supporting local craftsmanship, and investing in community development projects that improve education, health, and infrastructure.

2. Cultural Conservation

Peru is a treasure trove of history and traditions. We strive to preserve this cultural legacy through education and promotion. We support local artisans, musicians, and artists, helping to keep their traditions alive and sharing them with the world.

3. Environmental Protection

We are committed to conserving Peru’s wonderful landscapes and biodiversity. We participate in reforestation projects, trail clean-ups, and environmental education. Additionally, we promote sustainable tourism practices among our travelers and partners.

Our Projects

a. Education and Training

We invest in the future of communities by offering scholarships, workshops, and training. Our goal is to provide the necessary tools for young people and adults to improve their skills and have better opportunities.

b. Health and Well-being

We collaborate on projects aimed at improving medical care in remote areas, including mobile clinics, vaccination campaigns, and nutrition programs.

c. Community Entrepreneurship

We encourage local entrepreneurship by supporting small businesses and cooperatives. This not only helps diversify the local economy but also enriches the experience of our travelers.

How You Can Contribute

1. Volunteering

We offer volunteering opportunities in several of our projects. Whether teaching English, working on reforestation, or helping in the construction of community infrastructure, your time and skills can make a big difference.

2. Donations

Your donations are crucial for the success of our projects. Even the smallest contributions can help buy educational materials, seeds for reforestation, or medical supplies.

3. Traveling with Us

Simply by choosing Machupicchu Travel Tour as your travel agency, you’re supporting our social projects. A portion of all our revenues is reinvested in the community.

Join Us

We believe in the power of the community to generate positive changes. We invite you to be part of this exciting journey towards a more sustainable and fair future. Your adventure with Machupicchu Travel Tour can transform lives!


Tambopata Tours with Machupicchu Travel Tour: An Unparalleled Adventure in the Peruvian Rainforest
0 Dias - 0 Noches

Tambopata Tours with Machupicchu Travel Tour: An Unparalleled Adventure in the Peruvian Rainforest

From: $100 / xPerson